Joyful Noise Farm is excited to announce that the two brothers, Zeke & Sid Zacharias, of Zacharias Horsemanship has moved to our facility as trainers. If you are interested in being added on as one of our trainers then fill out the form on this page and we will contact you to discuss it further.
We love providing an awesome environment for our trainers to practice their art.
Zeke Zacharias
He grew up riding horses on a daily basis. He started training horses for clients at the young age of 13. He has been training horses professionally now for 15 years. During this time, Zeke has been able to learn from sone of the best horsemen in the industry. Zeke has had success in training and showing mustangs for the Mustang Makeovers. To Zeke, the horse is both a teacher and a friend. One of Zeke's greatest mentors is reining horse trainer Craig Johnson. He is one of the very best horsemen in the worl. Zeke has nothing but respect and admiration for Craig. Zeke is always working to improve his horsemanship to be the very best that he can be for his horses and clients. In 2009, Zeke married his beautiful wife Juliane. They now have two boys, Stetson & Sterling. The entire family loves to ride. Zeke feels very blessed to be able to make a living for the ones that he loves, while doing what he loves.
Sid Zacharias:
Sid Zacharias
He is a stellar horseman who has had the opportunity to work with hundreds of horses since he was a small child. He has been training horses for satisfied clients for over 13 years and has had great success both in, and out of the show ring. He has received multiple awards in many different disciplines including; Reining, Trail, Extreme Cowboy Racing, and colt starting competitions. On his journey to achieving the level of excellence he's working toward, Sid came across the American Mustang horse, and discovered how he could work with these horses to produce rewarding partnerships and bring awareness to the Mustang breed. At the age of 19, Sid was named Champion at his first Extreme Mustang Makeover. He went on to compete again next year, where he took the title of Reserve Champion. In 2013, he competed in the Mustang Million with two Mustangs, where he made the finals and took home over $21,000. September, 2014, Side showed up again in Fort Worth, Texas for the Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover. He won the crowd with his showmanship and entertainment in his freestyle performance, and finished the tough competition as Reserve Champion, also taking home the "Fan Favorite" award. All of the Mustangs trained by Sid have found wonderful homes, and his fans can't wait for more. Sid's humble outlook and extreme dedication to his clients and their horses has brought him far as a recognized trainer among even the best.
Interested in becoming one of our trainers? Fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you to discuss it further.